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    You can add more edge cases to ensure comprehensive testing. For example, test scenarios such as summing negative numbers, concatenating empty strings, and comparing values that are null or undefined.

    // Edge Case: Adding negative numbers
    it("should correctly add negative numbers", function() {
    assert.strictEqual(-1 + -1, -2, "-1 + -1 should equal -2");
    assert.strictEqual(-10 + 5, -5, "-10 + 5 should equal -5");

    // Edge Case: Concatenating empty strings
    it("should concatenate empty strings correctly", function() {
    const str1 = "";
    const str2 = "";
    assert.strictEqual(str1 + str2, "", "Concatenating two empty strings should result in an empty string");
    assert.strictEqual(str1 + "Test", "Test", "Concatenating an empty string with 'Test' should equal 'Test'");

    // Edge Case: Comparing null and undefined
    it("should compare null and undefined correctly", function() {
    assert.strictEqual(null, null, "null should be strictly equal to null");
    assert.notStrictEqual(null, undefined, "null should not be strictly equal to undefined");
    assert.strictEqual(undefined, undefined, "undefined should be strictly equal to undefined");

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    This was clever. The trick is the floor.

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