nice solution!
This is genius! =) Simple as a stone - elegant as a butterfly! =)
wow!! excelent! i took a tortuous path! hahaha !! xD great job!!
Super simple solution, I like this variation, especially compared to my noob attempt!
Not StackOverflowException, just OverflowException ;)
bruh y'all are killin me with these clever solutions. I was happy just to finally solve it.
Tests have evolved since
how did you passsed test?
This solution does not work anymore as there is an overflow. BigInteger should probably be used.
Maybe the associated tests were updated in the meanwhile.
How this code pass the test??? my first attemp with something similar failed 3 of the test... maybe the test where updated since this???
That was my fist try it did not pass BigInts and Null value :(
In the example test cases there are two Test2() and the system throws error about it
13! is above int32.MaxValue.
Why 13! should throw exception? The result of 13! is way under int.MaxValue.
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nice solution!
This is genius! =) Simple as a stone - elegant as a butterfly! =)
wow!! excelent! i took a tortuous path! hahaha !! xD great job!!
Super simple solution, I like this variation, especially compared to my noob attempt!
Not StackOverflowException, just OverflowException ;)
bruh y'all are killin me with these clever solutions. I was happy just to finally solve it.
Tests have evolved since
how did you passsed test?
This solution does not work anymore as there is an overflow. BigInteger should probably be used.
Maybe the associated tests were updated in the meanwhile.
How this code pass the test??? my first attemp with something similar failed 3 of the test... maybe the test where updated since this???
That was my fist try it did not pass BigInts and Null value :(
In the example test cases there are two Test2() and the system throws error about it
13! is above int32.MaxValue.
Why 13! should throw exception? The result of 13! is way under int.MaxValue.
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