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    "match" and "case" were new features when Python 3.10 came out. Make sure you have your Jupyter interpreter above py3.10

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    I tried this in Jupyter Notebooks, but the 'match' and 'case' keywords don't seem to be in my distro, can you clarify where they come from?

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    I agree about the bullet points layout.

    In the example you gave though, "a white space" is one thing, "number of error for that letter in a field of 6" is another thing.

    Maybe this would be clearer: "the number of errors as a left justified string of 6 characters long".

    The white space is usually the default filling character in an aligned string (center, left or right).

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    I think the description of the format of the output string should be rewritten or at least elaborated on. To me, it is not at all clear what

    ... a white space, number of error for that letter in a field of 6, ...

    means. Perhaps I'm in the minority on this but something along the lines of "the count of the error and subsequent whitespace before the '*'s should take up 6 characters" is much clearer as I don't find the word 'field' here to be intuitive. Moreover, I see no reason to try and fit the entire format description into one "sentence" and I think breaking it up into bullet points for each segment would improve clarity.

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    Really nice initiation and practice to those unfamiliar with class construction. Thanks for the kata!

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    if you hit a multi-val Lambert W function as the only possible solution to an equation in an attempt to rectify the error check involved, turn back! you've gone too far! have a few facepalms and realize the answer is pretty easy with some calc 2 knowledge. definitely add some sort of extra tag indicating the required level of math necessary maybe.

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    I started codewars about a week ago and this is without question one of the more creative, well explained kata I've done. Will be doing others by you as well. Thank you