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    lol, the solution I was looking for, lol.

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    Thank once more @JohanWiltink, I will do just that next time.

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    Thanks for the feedback @akar-0, yes it is.

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    This exact task has been done.

    That doesn't mean you, or I, or the AI, can find it. It doesn't mean you have to think it's a duplicate.

    It just means exactly what it says, and it means this kata should stay unpublished, whatever you feel or think or other-weasel-word of the situation.

    I understand it's not fun to invest time in a new kata only to be told it's a duplicate of some kata you couldn't find because its name isn't descriptive, or the task is explained with different concepts. ( There's also the possibility it's in none of your training languages, in which case this should have been a translation instead of a new kata, but I don't think that's the case here. ) All the more reason to create a Draft description first, and ask on Discord if anyone knows of something similar before investing time in writing tests. Because with over 9 000 existing kata, of which over 6 500 are whites and yellows, that risk is always real. You are not to blame for that; I am not to blame for that ( I just have a higher chance of being the killjoy that tells you he's seen something before ); that's just the way it is. Codewars could easily have 30 000 kata, but it doesn't aim for that; it aims to have kata with different solutions ( not just different tasks either! this is a common misconception ).

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    This is extremely close to "Find the odd int"

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    Thanks for the feedback @JohanWiltink, I don't really think it's a duplicate cause I went through all the task the AI presented and didn't quite match either, they solutions are probably the same, maybe that's why it feels so, cau thanks, will be open for more feedback though.

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    Not finding the original for you, but this exact task has been done.

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    The description doesn't mention lots of invariants about the input and doesn't do a good job of describing the task, the input or the output anyway.

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    @Chrono79 it is a problem, snake_case and camelCase is not the same, so that will affect the problem or test if the names are not same or defined.