Congrats dude! I have a similar solution.
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Its just a way of expresing the values received from tuple unpacking. It will work without the brackets too.
I would settle for 'arrayOfSheep' just to deal with the grammar issue. :)
A lambda is just a function created with a single expression and no name. So, the difference is negligible
a string can be treated as an array so no need for the []
it's generator comprehension, not list comprehension, since you're not creating a list. this site explains it pretty well.
Leading zeros, probably.
Why not?
he only defines function inside function
Loading collection data...
Congrats dude! I have a similar solution.
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Its just a way of expresing the values received from tuple unpacking. It will work without the brackets too.
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I would settle for 'arrayOfSheep' just to deal with the grammar issue. :)
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
A lambda is just a function created with a single expression and no name. So, the difference is negligible
a string can be treated as an array so no need for the []
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it's generator comprehension, not list comprehension, since you're not creating a list. this site explains it pretty well.
Leading zeros, probably.
Why not?
he only defines function inside function