pewhapz we needs more sample tests?
because there are only 2 of them and they do not catch your specific error
your condition is wrong
You're splitting the string twice in the above code, whereas by adding the extra line you only split the string by spaces once.
No one is faster:
lambda is indeed faster, but according to the PEP8, it is preferable to use the def statement
I bet you can now Owo
Lol yes. I should have used the API.
It was automatically retired due to low satisfaction rating.
Then, who did it?
Well, I guess since you are nice enough to rectify my mistakes and retire my kata, then it shall not be a problem for you to help solve another problem of mine (which is being unable to delete the retired kata). What do you say, mate?
Oh okay, the way you were saying that felt like you waited a lot longer. xD
It just appeared in my filters (beta or not / python / newest).
When did you make it?
Just wonder why I could not delete this kata?
I guess because the app was declared outside the runner so it's not recreated each time?
Haven't looked at the test code.
EDIT: can confirm new solution
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pewhapz we needs more sample tests?
because there are only 2 of them and they do not catch your specific error
your condition is wrong
You're splitting the string twice in the above code, whereas by adding the extra line you only split the string by spaces once.
No one is faster:
lambda is indeed faster, but according to the PEP8, it is preferable to use the def statement
I bet you can now Owo
Lol yes. I should have used the API.
It was automatically retired due to low satisfaction rating.
Then, who did it?
Well, I guess since you are nice enough to rectify my mistakes and retire my kata, then it shall not be a problem for you to help solve another problem of mine (which is being unable to delete the retired kata). What do you say, mate?
Oh okay, the way you were saying that felt like you waited a lot longer. xD
It just appeared in my filters (beta or not / python / newest).
When did you make it?
Just wonder why I could not delete this kata?
I guess because the app was declared outside the runner so it's not recreated each time?
Haven't looked at the test code.
EDIT: can confirm new solution
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