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    I had problems with the random tests, but those were resolved once I made copies of "recipe" and "available" instead of using them directly. I think the random tests expect your function to not mutate the original objects passed in.

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    Well that's the thing. The example tests all pass. It's only when I attempt the other tests that it times out.

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    I tried printing the input, but even then it simply times out. I think at least the first few tests would be simple cases and I expect my code to not time out in these cases.

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    If I simply increase the range of my search by 1 it times out. I think it would be good if at least the passing tests were printed out before it times out. That way we know which test timed out and can optimize for those tests. I've also noticed that simply adding an else block for a case where [] is the answer causes a time out!

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    Agree. I've run into the same problem.

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    The answer expects a certain order in the output list. I get this error:
    ✘ ['ba', 'ab'] should equal ['ab', 'ba']

    My code is correct, but because the expected answer can only be in a certain order I can't pass this. Any way to get the answer to be in the exact order expected?