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    You should mention in the kata description that this kata is based on the mobile game Strata (which you've mentioned somewhere else, but not here).

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    There need to be more tests (7 is not enough), with larger inputs (larger than 3x3) and random tests. Right now the correct answers can easily be hard-coded in the solution code.

    Also, with so few and small tests there is no insentive to look for an efficient algorithm.

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    You should protect the tests against a solution that mutates the canvas. Currently it is possible to create a random solution for the given canvas size and given colors, and then rewrite the canvas list with the return value of solution_to_canvas(solution). Your tests then go on to compare the returned "solution" by calling solution_to_canvas(solution) again, comparing its result with the already mutated canvas, and of course there is a match.

    I tried it that way, and passed all the tests.

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    2d test (canvas = [["p","y"],["","b"]]), this solution doesn't pass :

    {:type=>"r", :index=>0, :color=>"p"}
    {:type=>"r", :index=>1, :color=>"b"}
    {:type=>"c", :index=>0, :color=>"p"}
    {:type=>"c", :index=>1, :color=>"y"}

    .. what is expected ?