My bad, in JS, arrays can contain up to 800,000 elements, I guess I must have looked at the tests in another language. However, the rest of my original response remains valid.
i used console.log to show me the array that given and it was so long in the end writed "... and 162821 item more"
check the photo
There are no inputs with length greater than 60,000 . However, if your code times out, you must find a more efficient approach. Naive solutions won't pass this kata.
Same thing for java, it gives an array with 150k-200k elements
My bad, in JS, arrays can contain up to 800,000 elements, I guess I must have looked at the tests in another language. However, the rest of my original response remains valid.
i used console.log to show me the array that given and it was so long in the end writed "... and 162821 item more"
check the photo
There are no inputs with length greater than 60,000 . However, if your code times out, you must find a more efficient approach. Naive solutions won't pass this kata.
i made a code its work but with last test its give me timeout because the input is like 200k numbers any idea how to fix it?