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    I think you have a mistake in the description. You stated: "it has only 1/3 of its original value rounded up to the next integer".

    Maybe a better description would be: "it has only 1/3 of its original value rounded up to the closest integer".

    For 1.33 next integer is 2

    For 1.33 closest integer is 1

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    From my calculations, the combat: between "dog" and "cat" should result in "Winner s1(eg)",
    but the example and the tests say it should be a "Draw".

    "dog" <-> "cat"

    d(4) <-> c(3)

    2 <-> 0

    2 <-> a(1)

    1 <-> 0

    1 <-> t(20)

    0 <-> 7

    o(15) <-> 7

    5 <-> 0

    (eg) <-> ()

    Were am I wrong?

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    i just solved a 4kyu kata: "Sum Strings as Numbers" and i think i did not received any honor points. (i am not sure about the rank.)
    is there any way to see a history of my activity? how many points i received on each kata?

    i don't even see it in the completed cata category on my profile page, but when i go on the kata's page, it is displayed as completed.

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    the provided template contains a variable named "targaryen". i don't see the reason for that variable.

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    i think an alternativ can be to leave it a little bit cryptic, but to increase the specified difficulty (6kyu maybe?) because, to solve this kata, a programmer needs to know also a little bit of regex.
    does this make sense?

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    i also received this error message from one of the tests: "Any empty list of points trivially has all points in a line".
    but the description of the kata states: "The input will contain at least two points containing valid integers."

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    i receive this error, too: "animal.toString() does not return correct value"

    i made tests and it returns exactly what the kata's description say. the test does not provide any description about the error. is it the test wrong?

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    i don't think it is the safest think to do. actually this method (evilTwin) is returning the global object (window) to be the evil twin of "obj" object.

    i see some problems in doing that:

    1. first of all it is changing the global object (is changing its prototype);

    2. second, if this method is called twice for two different "obj" objects, the global object will be realocated to be the evil twin of the second object and the first object will remain without its evil twin;

    3. if this function is executed in a strict mode "use strict", the "this" value will no longer be the global object, but it will be undefined, resulting in an error beeing thrown (TypeError).

    so, this solution was good here, but don't do this in a real application. it is not safe. ;)

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    the tests seem to require multiple spaces between sentencies, but the description of the kata does not specifies those spaces.

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