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    The problem becomes really easy if that is given away. That's an important part of the challengE. There is no "lying". It's how physical money works.

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    "As others have previously mentioned, we need to approach this problem from a "Number of Bills" perspective, rather than "Amount of Money" ---- This has to be mentioned in the 'Description' not here in 'Issues' .

    How can you solve something if the Decription is lying to you?

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    I'be been trying to dolve this for a while. And I couldnt get what was wrong with the code, until I ve decided to look at the issues.

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    "As others have previously mentioned, we need to approach this problem from a "Number of Bills" perspective, rather than "Amount of Money" ---- This has to be mentioned in the 'Description' not here in 'Issues' .
    How can you solve something if the Decription is lying to you?