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    I'll change the name of the validator class to Database to make it easier for people to relate to it but I'll leave the validator class in the preload so other solutions still pass and I'll update the description appropriatly. Hopefully this will clear everything up with everyone.

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    Hi Matt,
    The description of the validator class was a little bit confusing - changing the description would definiately help.

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    The "h4x0r" and "Admin" tests will fail after they are passed throuh the validator classes method login, This is what you must return if no injexted code is found.

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    It should only fail after it is passed into the validator class

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    Now I think the whole validator class just confuses everyone.. Think of it like this, there is a web interface the username and password are passed to your function you must filter out any passwords that try to inject code and then pass it to the Validator class which essentially does a check on an array to see if the password matches the given username. I now believe theres no need for the validator class because it just confuses everyone, I could change the kata to fix this but also it would cause a lot of invalid solutions. I'll touch up the description to hopefully help though

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    the kata took me 30 minutes because of this error :(

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    In python the validator.login() function does not return True or False it returns one of two stings:
    'Successfully Logged in!' or 'Wrong username or password!'
    Changing the preload section to reflect this would be useful.
    Also the following sentences in the Preload section does not make sense:
    "This will be used to check if the username and password exist but only check if the password is valid."
    Does the Validator function check if the username and password exist or only check if the password is valid? The but causes confusion.
    Thanks for the kata.

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    I'm not sure if this kata should be marked as 8kyu, this is definitely 7kyu or up :)

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    Why should the h4xOr case fail?