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    Could you please write again your explanation?

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    Original test was on this data: "Sadus:cpms>orqn3zecwGvnznSgacs","MynwdKizfd$lvse+gnbaGydxyXzayp"
    You should not count upper case letters.

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    Not a kata issue, the input can be an anything, you should return True only when the conditions are met. That test expects False. And the same test exists in other languages like javascript.

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    unlimited-nested-lists version of this kata solution

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    From kata description:
    "when its argument is an array that has the same nesting structures and same corresponding length of nested arrays as the first array"

    So we have only arrays/nested arays. But in python tests I see int:

    I think this test should be removed because it doesn't match task conditions.

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    Unfortunately, there are still not only lists. I found this test case:

    But in task description I see only arrays/nested arrays. 1 - is not an array.