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    Can anyone give a codex on where is up down left right? I looked at all the solutions and maps, and it doesnt seem to make sense. Could I have gotten the coordinates wrong? Are the coordinates in cartesian coordinates?

  • Custom User Avatar

    Thanks! That is very helppful! :)

  • Default User Avatar

    What does return=="" ? "": do?

  • Default User Avatar

    This was a fun kata! But the n was a little confusing. I thought the n in the vertical scaling would be the same n in the number of strings and the length of string in the input. Perhaps you could change the n in the vertical scaling to a v?

  • Default User Avatar

    I suggest writing 2 sets of instructions. Like For Ruby: .... and For JavaScript: ...
    Its pretty unclear what is required of me in the exercise. Perhaps and input and output illustration may help.

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    Ok. So, I did some research. It seems draft is the distance of the water line to the bottom of the ship. With crew on board, the draft is going to increase. What you want is that the draft due to the gold (only) to be 20. So the draft passed in the test is the measured draft. You need to calculate and see if this value minus the draft contributed by the crew is more than 20 (Since you want the draft contributed by the goods to be more than 20).

  • Default User Avatar

    Ok. So, I did some research. It seems draft is the distance of the water line to the bottom of the ship. With crew on board, the draft is going to increase. What you want is that the draft due to the gold (only) to be 20. So the draft passed in the test is the measured draft. You need to calculate and see if this value minus the draft contributed by the crew is more than 20 (Since you want the draft contributed by the goods to be more than 20).

  • Default User Avatar

    Ok. So, I did some research. It seems draft is the distance of the water line to the bottom of the ship. With crew on board, the draft is going to increase. What you want is that the draft due to the gold (only) to be 20. So the draft passed in the test is the measured draft. You need to calculate and see if this value minus the draft contributed by the crew is more than 20 (Since you want the draft contributed by the goods to be more than 20).

  • Default User Avatar

    Doesnt seem so random if the first 4 elements are ABCD in all the arrays

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    It might be shorter if you created a variable and change that variable once to use in all your conditions. :)

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    Am I the only one who is lost with understanding what needs to be done here?

  • Default User Avatar

    The answers in the tests are wrong!

  • Default User Avatar

    The instruction false/False`` plusb % a``` if both arguments are numbers confused me as I wasn't sure if I was just supposed to print the output as " " + b + "%" + " " + a . The output result seemed to have shown numbers instead of an evaluated result. All in all, a really good practice for beginner like me. Need more practices like this.