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    is there a reason why we cannot mutate this original array? I mean a real reason like compared to the real world coding or something?

    It was disturbing to solve it, for a beginner programmer, because of this instruction. I'm just wondering if this is just for the sake of this kata or if there is a solid reason? :p Curiostiry not complaining

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    @Chrono79 : Yep that's why I asked, that's the whole point of my question :) ty

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    thanks for your answers!

    I can print() the input in the last part of the tests? Not the first 4?

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    Hi there!

    Just asking for a clearification here. The function should check if the walk take the user back to his starting point. Does it only need to check if the second half of the array is the exact opposite of his first half? Or it need to calculate any itinerary possible?

    For exemple:
    ["n", "w", "n", "e", "n", "s", "e", "s", "w", "s"] is valid althrough the second half of the array is not the exact opposite of his first half.

    My code doesn't pass half of the finals tests and I cannot see what is the array inputed in the function to test it = I can't really see my error. If someone can enlighten me it would be mucho apprecio, sorry for me being a n00bcoder like that I'm in the learning process :p