You've heard of Caesar's cipher so now I give to you LISA'S CIPHER WOOO!
Write a function 'lisaCipher' that accepts a keyword and a ciphered message as arguments. The function should decipher and return the normal message.
In the cipher the letters of the keyword becomes the first letters of a new alphabet. In the example below, 'a' becomes 'c', 'b' becomes 'h', and so forth. The rest of the letters of the original alphabet will come after the letters of the keyword.
keyword = 'chicken fingers'
The new alphabet would become 'CHIKENFGRSABDJLMOPQTUVWXYZ'
The deciphered message would read 'SOMETHING RANDOM'
Assume keyword/message will be case insensitive. Return the uppercase of the message regardless.
function lisaCipher(keyword, msg) {
// TODO: Add your tests here
// Starting from Node 10.x, [Mocha]( is used instead of our custom test framework.
// [Codewars' assertion methods](
// are still available for now.
// For new tests, using [Chai]( is recommended.
// You can use it by requiring:
// const assert = require("chai").assert;
// If the failure output for deep equality is truncated, `chai.config.truncateThreshold` can be adjusted.
describe("Solution", function() {
it("should test for something", function() {
Test.assertEquals(lisaCipher('chicken fingers', 'QLDETGRJF PCJKLD'), 'SOMETHING RANDOM');
Test.assertEquals(lisaCipher('LISA IS AWESOME', 'B FjuW SJAbhO!!!'), 'I LOVE CODING!!!')