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    For future reference, I was getting the timeout also and finally, after throwing in rigged results,
    I realized that the solution will be tested for negative and non-integer input. IMO if the test message
    is only about the timeout then this requirement should be in the kata description.

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    The supplied test case results in 'ReferenceError: Game is not defined'.
    With some not very complicated code the submit tests result in 'Exception raised but was unable to sanitize the message.'

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    If all the logs are going to end up at the top of the results, then
    the test comment really needs to be something more than 'Test Failed: Expected: 0, instead got: 1'.
    Developing problem solving skills is not about learning how to read the authors mind.

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    The community should be able to leave some kind of negative grade on a kata so that if enough of them accumulate it can be addressed.
    It seems that there exists a few katas that have been abandoned by the authors.

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    The "empty universe" test should be mentioned in the description. My solution works but now I have to guess at what
    is expected while the test returns "Test Failed: Got instead of"

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    Thanks to both of you. I solved it a while ago and what I was missing is actually embarrassing. Despite being on level 4, I think my skills are actually on a much higher level. Going back and solving higher level katas now.

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    For some reason, without making any changes, it passes all the tests now. Thanks. My confusion was with having both "returned", "expected" and then "instead got" in the message. When I read it back now it makes more sense.

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    WHat's to be made of this "Test Failed: (1e-7).toDecimal() returned 0.014285714285714285 - Expected: 1e-7, instead got: 0.014285714285714285" ?

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    I think the description you just gave is much much better then the official one, Ryando.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Someone please throw a dog a bone. Hung up on the nested test. Just a keyword to search for? I'm stuck.

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    Any chance of someone pointing a stuck student in the right general direction for research?
    I must admit that I hve learned alot trying to figure this out but the lack of actual kata progress is
    starting to weigh in.

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    Please. More descriptive test messages. "Test Failed: Expected: 6, instead got: undefined" is just plain lazy.

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    What a truly annoying kata.
    The only thing to be learned is how lazy kylehill is for
    leaving "Test Failed: Value is not what was expected" as the only message on the tests.
    I wish we could vote katas down.

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