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    @rowcased congrats and welcome to the wonderful Lisp world!
    Codewars' solver is not broken, but there's definitely a typo in the template solution ("string" -> "strng").

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    @akar-0, you are wrong. I was importing it correctly, but the variable in the template code is named "strng" (without "i") for some weird reason, so this was the source of the problem. Thanks for nothing anyway.

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    @akar-0 hey, it is not resolved.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    I'm trying to solve it with Clojure (and clojure.string/join function), but I'm getting a stacktrace saying "Unable to resolve symbol: string in this context". Is codewars broken?

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    Nah, too troublesome. Is it some official API for this I could use though?

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    Looks disturbingly similar to my solution :)

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    Thanks for your suggestions mate!
    Right now the problem is not the kata I was trying to solve. The problem is I can't use codewars code editor whatsoever - my religion forbids me using something that buggy. (By the way have you tried to hit Ctrl-T while in editor to open the new tab in browser? Try it, it can frustrate even an angel).
    So the question stands: how do I use proper editor to write kata solutions and preferably send it to codewars without leaving it?

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    Ten minutes ago I've literally broke my table caused by anger and frustration from codewars crippled website.

    First, when I hit "submit final", it said to me that I can't see solution because I haven't solved this kata (???). I've clicked "back" in my browser, and all code was lost. "It's okay, I can work with that", - I thought to myself, because the code was fresh in my memory and it wasn't too much of it (about one paragraph), so I've retyped it again and submitted again. Some weird shit started happening again ("You've earned 7 kyu rank!", even though I'm on 6th right now). Turned out I somehow got logged out (the cookie gone rancid, possibly).

    So I've logged in again, submitted that kata and started to train on a new one. Then I've stumbled again upon selection bug (when holding mouse button to select and moving outside the editor widget, selection got ruined, which, if used for removing blocks of code, makes your code a garbage with randomly deleted bits), and I had enough - I just fucking raged and hit my table with fists without feeling any pain, just pure anger. Except breaking the table, it also made my computer crash, so I had to make a full power cycle to boot it up again.

    I feel like with the advent of fucking node.js hipsters the fine art of making properly behaving websites was lost in aeons. Right now I'm typing this text in my Vim, because I just can't entrust this fucking JS faggotry anything greater than hundred of bytes.

    So I'd like to ask the question to the makers of this website and to the community: is it possible to avoid the crippled code editor suggested here by default and use proper tools to type the code (e.g. Vim)?

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    How in the heaven does this solution not timeout? I've tried the same approach, and it won't pass.