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    Now (2016-1-27), lodash version is still 2.4.2, why dont use 3.10.1 or last one?

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    it's 2 major releases behind now :(

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    It's nice when the first comment mirrors my sentiment exactly. Even nicer when I get a new way of describing this sort of tweet-lengthified code. Thank you sir!

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    jhoffner, not all javascript flavors enforce a specific key order.

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    I'm still hoping for language-based completion to be implemented, but there are a lot of other things that need to be done, too. Currently I have solved all approved kata, so I encounter this almost 100% of the time.

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    I'm totally with you, sometimes elegant has some performance issues. It depends of what you want and what you need.

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    Hmmm... can't you do it? I've been spending my time this weekend writing test frameworks so CodeWars can support other languages :P

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    Even though my solution has loops, they aren't nested loops, so as the input increases its time increases linearly, hence O(n)

    The leader's solution eagerly quits, so best case it's O(1), and worst case its O(n^2). It does a lot better than mine in the average case.

    In every case, mine is O(n), moreover, it's always going to do at least one pass. Thinking about things in terms of O(n) isn't always the best way to think about performance, although this is literally an interview question that Fortune 500 companies ask, and I know that they want answers that demonstrate you know assymptotics (even if it's a bit pointless)...

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    Yeah these are all great points. We are definitely outgrowing our homegrown forum, which isn't really a forum at all. Many of the points that you listed are actually on our list of things to fix. In fact the collapsed replies was already implemented, its actually a regression bug that we plan on fixing soon.

    Also we plan on introducing the ability to subscribe and unsubscribe to comment sections (forums, docs, code challenges, etc). Right now you get notifications for up to 5 days after you post within a comment section, after that you only get notifications for replies to a comment you created or replied on. We could probably lower that to 2 or 3 days, and in certain areas (like the forum) take it out completely.

    Glad you are enjoying the site otherwise :)

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    Yeah we are not fans of that page either. Its been long overdue for a revamp, which is actually something Nathan is designing right now. In the meantime I've made some small tweaks and will have them pushed out tonight. Thanks!

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    We actually used to have UserVoice, before we had our own forum (which is really just our comments functionality repurposed). Honestly not many people used it that often, and it wasn't a very seamless experience. Also, I just took a look at their site and it looks like they are pivoting away from their feature requests feature and focusing on their knowledge base product.

    It is on our TODO list to provide a sort option so that you can view most up voted or most recent comments.

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