Starting from description (it is confusing) - and ending with tests:
It expects to not allow passing undefined values as arguments. I took that into account of course and added a throw... And the check in my code was done on every function call (as I believe it is reasonable that the deps objects may change on runtime). And.. it failed one of the tests. The correct approach was to not bother at all.
And secondly, it expects that arguments that are not present in the deps objects are... skipped. Completely ruining the order of arguments if some are not present, which makes this pretty useless approach even more useless.
And, of course, back when this kata was created - no such thing as default parameters existed, so it does not take them into account...
This kata's tests are broken.
This one was fun.. but it is borked.
Starting from description (it is confusing) - and ending with tests:
It expects to not allow passing undefined values as arguments. I took that into account of course and added a throw... And the check in my code was done on every function call (as I believe it is reasonable that the deps objects may change on runtime). And.. it failed one of the tests. The correct approach was to not bother at all.
And secondly, it expects that arguments that are not present in the deps objects are... skipped. Completely ruining the order of arguments if some are not present, which makes this pretty useless approach even more useless.
And, of course, back when this kata was created - no such thing as default parameters existed, so it does not take them into account...
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Did you do this by trial and error?
Fails for "%]):=} -"