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    I've console logged the t,k, ts of the fails I'm getting because I couldn't figure out the problem but I still can't understand it. I'd appreciate if somebody could shed a light on why this is happening.

    ERROR 1: part of the basic tests. Why should 168 equal to 178?
    163 3 [ 50, 55, 56, 57, 58 ]
    163 3 [ 50 ]
    230 3 [
    91, 74, 73, 85,
    73, 81, 87
    331 2 [ 81, 87 ]

    expected 168 to equal 178'''

    ERROR 2: why should this be null?
    1277 4 [
    445, 69, 140, 426,
    279, 85, 144, 68,
    463, 204, 440, 342
    It should work for random tests too: expected 1265 to equal null'''