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    Ah I understand now. Yes, tests for Node 8 worked differently, they did not require to use the require, but I think now docs on testing in Node 8 are not easily accessible anymore and it's not clear how to add own tests.

    The issue is valid, the kata should be either bumped up to Node 18, or some sample tests should be added. I will try to fix it later, or re-raise the issue with a proper description.

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    I'm not requiring any modules in my solution file, but the test file requires testing modules. So, the "TEST" button is unusable, but I figured out that I can still hit "ATTEMPT" button and error doesn't show up. I will mark the issue as resolved, because it doesn't keep me from attempting to solve, but "TEST"ing in CW env for this kata is still unavailable.

    I was missing one condition in my solution, where I can't use "=" symbol, I will fix it and retry later.

    Thanks for the response anyhow.

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    While this is true that this kata is not available in Node 18, enabling it still might not help. If you are trying to require a module which is not listed as supported by CW environment, enabling new Node will not help you. What module are you trying to require?

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    Javascript: Can't change node version to higher than v8.1.3. In drop-down menu, where you would select the language version, it says "Not available for this kata" when hovering over other options, like v18.x.

    I have a solution that works (tested locally) and I would like to submit it but can't, since tests include "require" keyword and it errors with "TypeError: require is not a function at ..." message.

    Please help, this will be my first solved 1kyu kata :( Maybe, I'm doing something wrong?!

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    First one is a straight flush: 9, T(10), J(Jack), Q(Queen), K(King).