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    Likewise I was trying to figure out how to do this in a OO way, I could tell my solution was very messy.
    This shows it nice and clearly. Also didn't know about every and bind. Thanks

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    Thanks Andrew, nick Kata.
    No negative comments, like your length test as I was failing that due to a bug in my loop counter and it pointed me in the right direction for a fix.

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    Pretty hard for the level it's at - enjoyed it though. Haven't quite figured out how I'm going to deal with all the leading zeros and conver the type to integer to do a valid addition on it.

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    Really like this, made me go and study MDN and figure out how the reduce function works. Nice one.

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    Same solution, all return cases are blank.
    Not sure why :-(

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    Also failing this test - not sure why

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    Really didn't understand what I was supposed to be doing.

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    Liked that it made me think about manipulating different types like strings lists and sets. Didn't understand while my solution was failing with a ValueError - and still don't. Assume it was due to trying to cast a string as an Int but couldn't see that in the displayed test cases - maybe I missed it. If that is the case definitely add a test case in the bottom right to account for this.
    Overall could do with a bit of improvement but nice challenge.

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    Semi colon missing for first def statement. Couldn't understand why tests were failing until I looked into the test module code. Maybe that's the point - if not have a hint during description that you may have to deal with negatives.

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    I was totally unaware you could do this line in Python (x1,y1),(x2,y2) = vector
    Would you be able to explain how this is possible, for example what data type it may be using or what I can go away and lookup to understand.
    Or is it simply that Python is smart enough to 'understand' co-ordinates.