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Fair enough. Fixed.
Instructions should explicitly say that the function will receive 2 arguments: the list of cogs AND the index of the cog that rotates at 1 rpm.
(at the moment, you can kind of guess it but for some it may be confussing)
duplicate of this and that issues
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Issue: imho, instructions should explicitly say that all the numbers in the list provided are positive (if the list provided was including negative numbers, most of the solutions would need to be different).
Clearly the definition of anagram already covers this aspect, so closing...
Fair enough. Done.
handled, and added the threshold thing, to get better feedback in the assertion messages.
sorry for the troubles
Instructions do not explain what the function is expected to return.
I think it is important to explain that in detail (specially considering that this is a 7 kyu kata).
For example:
TypeScript version fails to compile (missing export).
Reported here: https://www.codewars.com/kata/57dd3a06eb0537b899000a64/discuss/typescript#63ac76683f04b10031696cc6
Hope that can be solved. For some people it can be a trivial thing.
For many others (specially considering that this is a 7kyu), it can be non trivial and prevent them from solving the real challenge.
Bug in TypeScript version:
updated description
If a comment can be pinned, this one is obviously a must. I've completed hundreds of Katas but never imported a library. So this 7 Kyu kata really caught me off guard. I honestly thought you have to implement your own MD5 algorithm in a 7 Kyu kata.
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