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    This code defines a Lua module named
    "solution" that contains a function
    named "find_multiples". The
    "find_multiples" function takes two
    parameters: "integer" and "limit". It
    returns a table (array) containing
    all the multiples of the "integer"
    parameter up to the "limit" parameter. Inside the function, a local
    variable named "multiples" is
    initialized as an empty table. Then,
    a for loop is used to iterate from
    the "integer" value up to the "limit"
    value, incrementing by the "integer"
    value each time. Within each
    iteration, the current value of "i"
    is inserted into the "multiples"
    table using the "table.insert"
    function. Finally, the "multiples"
    table is returned as the result of
    the function. The module "solution"
    is then returned, making the
    "find_multiples" function accessible
    to other parts of the program that
    import this module.

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    Biased response but this looks better to me because it's more readable

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution