CS new test framework
Sample test is for totally unrelated method.
There are no tests that check for tests that check whether the correct error message is thrown from within the Animal code.
It could be nice to test [3,5,6,6,4] instead of [3,5,6,4]. Now here is no tests for duplicates in the same call.
No sample tests.
No random tests.
Needs random tests in CoffeScript.
The test suite is just horrible: "did not process the correct number of items" Seriously? x/
"did not process the correct number of items"
Also, given the nature of the kata, random tests are absolutely needed.
Tests does not check that the correct Error (TestError) is thrown. Even throwing a string would pass the test cases.
Basic example:
unflat = {id: 1, info: {name: 'example'}}.flattened_keys unflat.flattened_keys # equals {id: 1, info_name: 'example'}
The second line's ".flattened" should be removed.
Loading collection data...
CS new test framework
Sample test is for totally unrelated method.
There are no tests that check for tests that check whether the correct error message is thrown from within the Animal code.
It could be nice to test [3,5,6,6,4] instead of [3,5,6,4]. Now here is no tests for duplicates in the same call.
No sample tests.
No random tests.
Needs random tests in CoffeScript.
The test suite is just horrible:
"did not process the correct number of items"
Seriously? x/test.expect
unless you provide a USEFULL error message. UseTest.assert_equals
insteadAlso, given the nature of the kata, random tests are absolutely needed.
Tests does not check that the correct Error (
) is thrown. Even throwing a string would pass the test cases.Basic example:
The second line's ".flattened" should be removed.