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    Sounds like the same number appears at least twice in a box no? Did you implment a check on boxes?

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    I like how c++ allows you to write unbearable code...
    What I don't like though is that modular arithmetic returns negative numbers...

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    I'm quite happy I was able to solve this without translating the input string to another variable type...

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    Don't know if it's the heat of the summer or what but this kata got me stuck for a little while. I won't look at elevators the same way indeed ;-)

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    Really nice!
    You know a good kata when you find new edge cases after every fix.
    And also when you have to re-write the program 3 times from scratch.

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    Really nice kata! I had fun refactoring my solution while going up from «Skyscapers 4x4»

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    Best practice hey :D
    Nice Kata, I can't wait to tackle the 7x7 version, but I suspect that a lot of optimisation has to be done…

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    I'm still amazed by these kind of solutions and each time I wonder : "Is this person a thousand times more clever than the rest of us? Or does he/she spends 4 * time on the problem studying its ins and outs in order to find the most compact and obscure algorithm..."

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    The error handling…
    This one was harder than expected, writing it while learning to type in Dvorak made it even harder :)

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    My god when I see that some of you solved it with so little code, when it took me 3-4 days to come up with this solution, well I feel stupid :)
    This solution barely makes it below timeout, but at least I learned a lot about map, reduce, partial, iterators.
    Thank Bubbler for this wonderful problem.
    EDIT : line 6 is useless, i was trying something and didn't delete it.

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    I start to understand it. Wonderful kata. Thanks Bubbler, you made my day.
    Well I have not solved it yet, but soon :)

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    Sorry I didn't mean to sound obnoxious. I was kind of disapointed to solve it this fast. Perhaps forbid the use of imports such as "fractions", that would bump the difficulty a whole lot.

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    This was waaaay too easy for a 4 kyu. I usually spend at least 4 hours to solve a 4 kyu. This took me 15 minutes.

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    Wow, this was difficult... (2 days)
    I wanted to go with an ugly 10 lines solutions with lots of modulos and conditionals, but finally I found it easier to isolate some cases in sub-functions.
    My advice : use verbose variable names to keep your code readable and do not hesitate to split the problem in sub-functions even-though it is not necessary.