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    it looks you've renamed the function definition itself from 'bmi' to 'Bmi'. Make the "B" lowercase and it will likely be resolved.

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    o come on man !!!

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    This is the type of out-of-the-box thinking I wish I had.

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    If you're going to use ChatGPT, at least remove it's example usage and commenting style to make it a little harder to spot 🤣

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    This is the first time I've come up with a solution and been genuinly shocked no one else seems to have similar code -- normally my code is a novel and it's not surprising that people had simpler versions. I get it's probably a little too dense, but it also seems simpler than several of the top solutions. I'd love some feedback!

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    python fork

    • removed print in test code, instead showing input in error message and it title
    • separated each test case into its own it
    • same treatment for fixed tests so that they're not all lumped up in a single it
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    your code is definitely wrong. if you golf a bit less then you'll have room to insert print calls to find out what happens.

    maybe the test output is confusing though.

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    Am I missing something with the Python random tests?
    System says these should all return True, but I'm returning False:
    big bad by her thing work it child other come
    get new try have I large see her as it will
    there an come on number call
    tell 3.15 take all high child their time life thing call
    high same to ask group find life over year they 3.15

    This seems like the system has a few of the answers incorrect.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Well dang did I overthink this one.