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    I like it too! You learn so much more specific things about the language!

  • Custom User Avatar

    Oh! Yeah! Looks better now! This also helps to make better katas in the future. :)

    Thank you so much for your efforts! I really appreciate that!

  • Custom User Avatar

    In my opinion the description is confusing. It says to pass a block to the method, but the example passes a lambda. If you really want to pass a block (which would be more "Ruby"-like I guess), it would look something like this

    Conjurer.conjure(:one_through_five) {(1..5).to_a}

    This is a slightly different syntax (note the closing ), the missing -> and ,).

  • Custom User Avatar

    I have added a note about that in the description! Thank you!

  • Default User Avatar

    Wow! Nice! I definitely have to learn more about the "pack" and "unpack" methods!

  • Default User Avatar

    Oh yeah! Thanks! I made the change!

    Regarding the method name I am not sure. On the one hand readable names are always a plus, but on the other hand "ntoh" and "hton" are quite established method names in operating systems for this matter. I thought this would bring some recall value later on for someone seeing this method names somewhere else.

    But should be a readable name more prefereable to the Codewars community, I can change that. This is my first kata and I am eager to learn!