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    All you really need to do is setup

    class Node (object):
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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Well, in most languages this can be done with regular expressions

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    This isn't an issue, but a question. That aside, the test for infinite lists is

    it "should reject infinite walks" $ do
      property $ forAll infiniteList $ \walk ->
        if isValidWalk walk == False
          then return ()
          else expectationFailure "this infinite walk should have been rejected"

    The only function that could actually evaluate the list is isValidWalk. Does your solution also handle isValidWalk $ repeat 'n'?

    If you need more help, post it in a comment, but mark it as a spoiler.

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    but why call that function "=="?

    Because shouldBeFuzzy uses shouldBe, which uses (==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool. That's actually the reason I use FuzzyDouble, so that I can "override" the behaviour of shouldBe for Double. That way, I didn't had to write the following code:

    shouldBeVia :: (Show a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> Expectation
    shouldBeVia f a b = if f a b then return () else expectationFailure $ "Comparison between " ++ show a ++ " and " ++ show b ++ " failed"
    shouldBeFuzzy = shouldBeVia (\a b -> ...)

    Which, to be honest, seems actually smaller. Meh.

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    Yeah, it's definitely the right way to compare doubles and the second piece of code looks good, but why call that function "=="?

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    Don't you think it's a bad practice?

    In general, yes. However, using equality tests on Double is usually bad, given that (+) :: Double -> Double -> Double isn't associative. For example, the following loop might not halt (depends on the used floating point type, equality test, and interpretation of literals):

    for(float i = 0; i != 1.7; i += 0.1){

    At least (==) :: FuzzyDouble -> FuzzyDouble -> Bool is still symmetric and reflexive. Also, none of the types are exported.

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    That == doesn't look transitive. Don't you think it's a bad practice?

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    module Codewars.Kata.Test.DSL (given', shouldBeFuzzy) where
    import Data.Function (on)
    import Test.Hspec (Expectation, Spec, it, shouldBe)
    infix 0 `shouldBeFuzzy`
    given' :: (Show a, Show b) => (a -> b) -> a -> (b -> b -> Expectation) -> b -> Spec
    given' f xs t ys =  it ("works given " ++ show xs) $ f xs `t` ys
    shouldBeFuzzy = on shouldBe (map MkFuzzy)
    -- Enables relative error checking in Double...
    newtype FuzzyDouble = MkFuzzy { getFuzzy :: Double }
    -- ... still looks like Double...
    instance Show FuzzyDouble where
      show = show . getFuzzy
    -- ... but uses slightly other equality semantics.
    instance Eq FuzzyDouble where
      (MkFuzzy a) == (MkFuzzy b) = abs (a - b) / maximum [1e-15, abs a, abs b] <= 1e-10

    However, you can shorten it to

        given' f xs _ ys    = it ("works given " ++ show xs) $ f xs `shouldBeFuzzy` ys
        itReturns           = undefined
        shouldBeFuzzy us bs = us `shouldSatisfy` (all (\(a,b) -> abs (a - b) / maximum [1e-12, abs a, abs b] <= 1e-10) . zip bs)
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    Best shot at it: post under bkaes' comment and he might be notified about that.

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    I don't think it is possible. You don't have access to the preloaded section and I'm not the Haskell translator.

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    Don't worry, it's preloaded for you: nothing to do.