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    There is no such sample test. Click reset.

  • Custom User Avatar

    That's a random test, the list of names is random too.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Can you show me your code please ? I tested the string you gave me with the actual solution, and I got the correct answer, I'm pretty sure you're modifying the string given in input.

  • Custom User Avatar

    I don't see a test case in ruby where covfefe("nothing") returns nothing.
    Also, sometimes coverage is the last word so the sentence ends with covfefe not because coverage was not found, but because coverage is the last word

  • Custom User Avatar

    Because it is an optimization problem (albeit one possibly "soft", but still challenging), so you will need to have a solution which runs efficiently, ideally in linear time (the sequence is read only once).

    Cheers :)

  • Default User Avatar

    Something about the number of spaces between "hello" and "world". In the HTML output they collapse to one space.