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    In kata descrition there is a note:

    I have some failing tests and this is the output of one of them:
    "81514610699888 should equal 5094663168743"
    Those numbers are much bigger than 10^6
    Log output should be more descriptive like: for n=some value (k=val2) should equal: val3

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    I think there's still problem with this kata.
    In the description it's said:
    Just for extra clarification, an item can never have its quality increase above 50, however "Sulfuras" is a legendary item and as such its quality is 80 and it never alters.

    And here's a part of log from random tests:
    Starting items in the store are {Very Aged Brie, 2, 60}, {Potion of Weak Love, 6, 58} and 5 days passed
    Checking item 1: Very Aged Brie
    Test Passed
    Not the expected quality value: 50 should equal 60

    According to the description only sulfuras can have quality >50. Besides - 5 days passed condition and quality raised by 2 each day.. where it is said?
    Please, verify requirements vs tests.
