  • Custom User Avatar

    Good point, going to think about it again!
    Split the tests sir, thank you !

  • Custom User Avatar

    Should probably include more manual tests for varying scenarios:


    When it is impossible to figure out the entire current hand, solution could be padded with '?' or undefined values.

    Also the current manual test case should be split up into separate tests:

    it("should return empty list on empty input", ...);

    and so on.

  • Default User Avatar

    Also, AFAIK, CoffeeScript had supported the spread operator even before it was in JS. There may be some cases where it doesn't work as expected because of an old version, but if so, your description of the issue is too vague.

  • Default User Avatar

    Sorry but it is not my responsibility: CW has 1.10.0 only (very few people use CoffeeScript at CW). You can post a bug in "Forum" to ask for a newer version or ... not use the spread operator.

  • Custom User Avatar

    CoffeeScript version doesn't support spread operator due to old language version