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    the description is common to all languages and hence has that typo

    but nevertheless, the test cases and solution setup follow snake-case, so nothing drastic needs to be changed

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    True. Also the parameter names in the description do not match the code that is given. That was extra confusing for me.

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    In Java, you can't write a program without using a class.
    But in Python you can get a lot done without classes. So they are usually not introduced until later

    • variables
    • functions
    • conditions
    • lists
    • loops
    • classes
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    Would you consider creating a class in Python to be an 8 kyu problem?

    Is asking for a default parameter something that is more difficult than 8 kyu, in your opinion?

    I know that authors don't set difficulty level. This is irrelevant.

    It is relevant in that you are asking here, in my opinion.

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    I know that authors don't set difficulty level. This is irrelevant.

    I didn't consider other languages. However, for Python, this kata is much harder than other 8 kyu katas.

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    Kata authors do not set the difficulty levels. It is chosen during the beta process.

    This question seems to highlight that differences in languages may suggest that some kata should have different difficulty ratings depending on the language being used.

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    Isn't this one a little hard for 8 kyu?

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    There was no insults or name calling in this discussion.

    Thanks for the samples, especially Cuboid and Multiply two numbers. My Carpet is kind of duplicate of Cuboid - basically, multiply 3 numbers.

    I agree that there shouldn't be too many too easy problems. And I am glad that there is a strict mechanism for creating kata - as a user, I hate pooorly written problems.

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    Two closest task I could find are: Multiplying two numbers and Volume of a cuboid, which, in my opinion, are not duplicates of this kata at all. "Multiply" even less.

    I think that you are experiencing totally different problem: not so long time ago, CodeWars experienced a small assault of people creating entry level kata. And these kata were terrible. Like, really. Quality of created tasks suddenly dropped, many of them were duplicates, and reviewers had a really hard time to filter them, get them fixed, reject not fixed ones, and explain to each and every person, multiple times, why their kata got rejected. People were fighting, calling names, and throwing stones. These were terrible times. Lucky for us, they are gone.

    As a result, CodeWars community developed some defense mechanisms to protect from such situation occuring again. Unfortunately, these mechanisms are very strict, and people sometimes push them, in my opinion, too far.
    I had no chance to try your kata, but as much as I can test it in its retired state, I would have nothing against having it beta tested, fixed in some asspects, and potentially accepted. No real duplicate (but I could miss something), random tests are there, maybe a couple of things to fix, but IMO perfectly in scope. But many users simply became allergic to trivial, entry level tasks.

    I am sorry you experienced it this way.

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    Pretty similar to this one, the only difference is there you have 2 numbers and here you have 3, imho not different enough to have a new one.

    Solving by retirement.

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    But after looking at 30... So you're telling me to just go look at the remaining 240?

    No, I'm telling you to take my word that it's a duplicate. You may disagree with it, and that's fine.

    If you really want some examples, there's similar katas like this or this and surely many more. There's just too many of them :/ I'm not trying to discourage you or anything, but that's just 8-kyu stuff, and most moderators aren't keen on seeing them.

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    Of course you didn't move a single muscle. You're 1 kyu...

    Anyway, I didn't relly want to write kata, and I don't mind it being downvoted and retired.

    But after looking at 30... So you're telling me to just go look at the remaining 240?

    If there have been similar again and again, they must be hidden somewhere there.

    I'm not trying to argue this one out of retirement. I was just hoping when you all say this is a duplicate that I'd get some examples.

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    Anyway, I don't have my heart set to be a kata publisher. My goal is not to make these two public. I would just like to see a couple very easy challengers for complete beginners.

    Sorting by "easiest" doesn't help. Looking at every kata ranked 8 kyu is very time consuming.

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    The task is simply too simple. We've seen similar ones again and again. If you looked at 30 others, well, your filter found 270 katas, so there's still some checking to do... They're not filtered by difficulty, neccesarily, just kyu alone. I'm simply telling from experience of solving 1000+ katas that there was nothing new here to even move my brain muscles, take my word for it. (it woudln't have been downvoted if there were some positives about it)

    This is supposed to be a competitive programming website, so multiplying some numbers isn't really on that level, I'm afraid.

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    @hobovski I am not looking for platform for posting homework. I can just email my students the homework description.

    The course that I have just started to teach is on volunteering basis for the local Autism Society, so it's not like I'm getting any financial benefit from referring students to Codewars.

    I thought referring people to Codewars was a good thing.

    And I thought that other beginners might appreciare a couple very easy kata.

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