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    Error I've got:

    Incorrect match: words not present in the string.

    Your output: gmrfmwngmrfmwn, gmrfmwn, gmrfmwngmrfmwngmrfmwn.

    One possible valid answer: gmrfmwn, dzt, rvjqefen

    Expected: True

    But was: False

    There is no info in the Kata description that I should also look for a substring, because this is how I understand this error:

    "gmrfmwngmrfmwn" - this should count as two occurances of "gmrfmwn"

    "gmrfmwngmrfmwngmrfmwn" this should count as three occurances of "gmrfmwn"

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    I would have liked more clarification on ' not counting as a word (as suggested by the test case)

    The assumptions mention "A word is a string of letters (A to Z) optionally containing one or more apostrophes (') in ASCII."

    So it seems like "'" would be a valid word -- the string of letters is the empty string, and optionally contains an apostrophe

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    After seeing solution it appears instructions are quite poor and solution matches values like this one : '''won''twon't''' … (!?)
    Random test says its faulty and doesn’t provide the value under test, only expected result.

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    This is the input argument from the Top3 function:
    "a a a b c c d d d d e e e e e
    e e e e DDD ddd DdD: ddd ddd aa aA Aa, bb cc cC e e e
    //wont won't won't
    , e ..
    ' "

    This is the error it generates:

    Test Failed
    Expected is <System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.String]> with 0 elements, actual is <System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.String]> with 1 elements
    Values differ at index [0]
    Extra: < "'" >

    How can you possibly send an empty list if there is clearly multiple frequently used words in the input?

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    The "Ties may be broken arbitrarily." is broken in C#. The last random test generates error because of it. After like 10 time running the tests, RNG was on my side and I passed the test ... Someone else suggested tie breaker should be alphabetical, which would make a lot more sense imo.

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    test.assert_equals(top_3_words("3"), ["e", "ddd", "aa"])

    I don't understand what this test is even for ???

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    Maybe specify on the "other characters" part a bit more. If the problem wanted me to avoid ANY character outside of the parameters it sure used a poor example and poor test cases.

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    This was a nice one to cool off with after dealing with finding the next bigger number permutation challenge.

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    Any anti-regex extremist that passed this problems should be awarded twice the points

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    returns an array of the top-3 most occurring words, in descending order of the number of occurrences.

    Your answer isn't ordered.

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    it'd be nice if the rules about apostrophes were a bit more clear, but I think this a decent one. Not too difficult if I'm able to get past it!

    I initially thought that apostrophes being next to each other wouldn't be allowed - like ab''ab is a valid word? bit strange.

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    Have you tested your own code at all? It fails some pretty basic stuff. Read the instructions, consider what sort of inputs there may be based on those instructions. It's not subtle. And/or make better observations for the tests you fail, since you already have failing cases there.

    There's just no way to know "wyf" was gonna be a word in that string.

    this is how you know that isn't happening. not unless the kata itself is COMPLETELY wrong. which it isn't. I and possibly several others confirm that a) you have a bug that isn't this (I looked at your code, and ran it, and debugged it) and b) this isn't happening

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    how are you reaching these conclusions? don't stop at sharing your conclusions if your conclusions seem wrong. state how you got there. maybe there's actually something that should be changed, even if it isn't what you think it might be.

    I'm about to edit the python tests because it's got some things that bother me, but nothing that explains your experience. I won't make the test output more helpful because the kata is overranked so the least you can do is to carry out your own debugging, but if it's outright misleading then that's something I would want to change.

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