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    I would edit that message after you have settled a bit.

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    did you benchmark and compare this solution to yours?
    whats the result?

    my guess is you solution is even worse because of regular string reallocations in output += MORSE_CODE[item] and try/except is not free either

    double loop solution is simple and easy to understand - split words, split letters, convert, join letters to words, join words to sentence

    your solution:
    split by space and try to decode each "letter"
    if next "letter" is '' then it must be word separator - append space, and on next cycle too, and on next
    and wrap it in try/except because processing last letter will cause list index out of range. exception in morse[index + 1]

    flow control via exceptions is a big no-no

    and it took me almost 10 mins to comprehend your algorithm