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    aint that hard to be honest its just the author didnt explain well ..

  • Custom User Avatar

    not sure if my way is fully correct, but it worked for most of the tests. so basically, i kept count of every "n", "e", "w", and "s" direction. then, i checked if the number of occurences for "n" and "s" were the same, since they are opposite of each other. then, i did the same for "e" and "w" as well. if the occurences are the same, the directions take you back to the starting point. hope this helped!

  • Custom User Avatar

    This kata is very nice for the learning of work with chars. I would consider this task for the level of seventh kyu.
    But for the repeating of the information is very nice.

  • Custom User Avatar

    At all, it can be seen that this task can be solved with usage of either time.Duration library or usage of
    text.DecimalFormat. Anyway this kata is good for usage of format-method with condition inside.
    I am interested now, if the @if@ statment cane be used inside of the format-method.