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    Yes but you cook pancakes one side at a time, so its not the number of pancakes you're cooking; it's the number of sides

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    There are even more ways than that

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    You're not supposed to extend the table, update it and select all from it, you're supposed to just run a SELECT query that provides a resultset of the original and reversed data

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    As a quick explainer for this, we use Zip/Skip to arrange a sequence of tuples where we have the Nth term a and the N+1th term b and then we compare them to ask "did we Decrease, stay Same or Increase when transitioning from a to b..?"

    Then we use Aggregate to look at, for the whole sequence, wht mix of Decreases, Sames, and Increases we got and we switch a truth table of e.g. (0<0,0<0,0<1) => (false,false,true) => "there were no decreases, no sames, there were increases" so this was a "strictly increasing" sequence

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    0<1 is one char shorter than true and 0<0 is two chars shorter than false..

    Seems also, uncharacteristically for me, I didn't explain it...

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    Range applies to the full time span indicated, so if the fastest time was 1:02:03 and the slowest time was 3:05:07 then the time range is 2:03:04.
    If the fastest time was 1:30:40 and the slowest time was 2:20:30 then the time range is 0:49:50.

    In real world terms the range question is asking "how long did the person at the finish line with the stopwatch have to wait, between the moment the fastest runner finished, and the moment the slowest runner finished? How much time passed between the winner finishing and the last person finishing?"

    You have to do time math on the entire period of time, not just the hours/minutes/seconds components separately

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    Managed to get it done in 1 line of best janktice ;)

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    Can ye chuck a bit of markdown around the "" empty strings in If the given string is "" you will return "" so that it doesn't read like some accidentally escaped version of the phrase 'If the given string is "you will return"' ?

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    Tip: When using interpolated strings or string.Format, you don't need to format your numbers by calling ToString; you can just pass the format in after a colon in the interpolated placeholder e.g. Convert.ToInt32($"{year:D4}{month:D2}{day:D2}");. hexNum could also have been formed with maths rather than string parsing (year*10000 + month*100 +day)

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    In C# you can declare numbers in hex e.g. int valueCoffee = 0xCAFE instead of parsing from string

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    Typo: should read "a is a superset of b"

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    Tricky, a phrase like "the siren will go off" - does it mean it starts making a noise, or that it stops making a noise?

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