Neither the description nor the sample tests (at least in Python) specify if 'y' is considered a vowel.
python: parameter name could be changed to avoid potential conflicts with the built-in string module
Done for Python
Mind if you explain the code...very nice solution by the way
It's a good solution. I didn't know about filter function only needs a conditional to filter lists.
Well. It was more simple solution than mine.
erm, why not?
It would have been wise to specify in the description that you consider the letter 'y' as a consonant.
JS: Node v12 should be used along with the appropriate assertion tools (Mocha + Chai)
Satisfication rating shouldn't be influenced by the quality of the test cases.
Python new test framework should be used (Refer this & this for more detail)
Ruby 3.0 should be enabled (Refer this & this for more detail)
Python's random tests write:
"It should work for random inputs too: 'IronIron YardpzIronIron!8YardxIron YardIron' should equal 'IronIronpzIronIron!8yxIronIron'"
What do I understand wrong? I -> Iron Yard r -> r
Why it should be 'IronIronpz...'?
(type)data || bla.ToString();
no actual random tests in JS
aaaaand you resolved abusively.. again...
=> JS still doesn't have random tests.
Approved, adapted into the Ruby.
Loading collection data...
Neither the description nor the sample tests (at least in Python) specify if 'y' is considered a vowel.
python: parameter name could be changed to avoid potential conflicts with the built-in
moduleDone for Python
Mind if you explain the code...very nice solution by the way
It's a good solution.
I didn't know about filter function only needs a conditional to filter lists.
Well. It was more simple solution than mine.
erm, why not?
It would have been wise to specify in the description that you consider the letter 'y' as a consonant.
JS: Node v12 should be used along with the appropriate assertion tools (Mocha + Chai)
Satisfication rating shouldn't be influenced by the quality of the test cases.
Python new test framework should be used (Refer this & this for more detail)
Ruby 3.0 should be enabled (Refer this & this for more detail)
Python's random tests write:
"It should work for random inputs too: 'IronIron YardpzIronIron!8YardxIron YardIron' should equal 'IronIronpzIronIron!8yxIronIron'"
What do I understand wrong?
I -> Iron Yard
r -> r
Why it should be 'IronIronpz...'?
(type)data || bla.ToString();
no actual random tests in JS
aaaaand you resolved abusively.. again...
=> JS still doesn't have random tests.
Approved, adapted into the Ruby.
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