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    This was a really fun kata. I'm a bit concerned that Codewars doesn't sanitize the HTML formatting in their strings though. Like... It makes things extra easy to read, but isn't that a liability!? Or are only certain formatting tokens allowed?

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    Using BigInteger decreases the difficulty of this kata greatly. Unless this is addressed, I think this kata is far too easy for its difficulty. :/

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    The tricky test cases like the "Bananas in Bahamas" did lead me to pleasant additional discoveries though, so I did find that aspect really enjoyable!

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    I thought this kata was pretty neat!

    One of the test cases required the handling of extra characters, with its test case expecting that there cannot be any extra characters in the remaining string parts. However, this isn't specified clearly in the problem text.

    I recommend to add this as another restriction, something like, "are in the same order as in s" AND "do not contain extra characters after s". Or something like that.

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    If you link your Github to your Codewars profile, your Github avatar will sync over to Codewars. :)

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    howMany has the possibility of being a decimal number due to your math. Be sure to properly convert it to an integral value!

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    It sounds like your GetReadableTime method is not returning anything.

    Try including that test case in your example cases and trace your code to see if your code can't properly handle that input. Your input for that case should be 23050 seconds.

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    Man, this kata in C# made me realize how inconsistent PadRight and PadLeft are. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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    What a cute little scenario. I just have minor suggestions in touching up the text.

    While motif (also motive) are often words used as the dominant theme/idea for an artistic work, it's not the best word to use for something as casual vacation photos. A more appropriate word would be "subject" or something like that.

    This sentence is also worded rather weirdly: "However, Charlie doesn't like this sessions, since the motive usually repeats."

    Perhaps reword it to, "However, Charlie doesn't like these sessions, since he usually sees the same photos over and over again."
