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    There are many test cases for hour 11, minute > 30, that expect the answer to be "__ minutes to midnight". This seems wrong because the other test cases are using a 24hr clock, so "11:45" would be "quarter to 12 o'clock" or, at least "quarter to noon". I cannot pass the test cases because of this reason :(

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    got it, thank you!

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    Yes, that is CodeWars! You have to try to get the input.
    The submit-tests are invisble. Some show the input or give hints, other don't.

    What language do yo use?
    Do you use JavaScript? Then use console.log to show the input while testing...

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    When I hit submit, it seems to run more tests than I can see in the TestCase section. Where are these coming from? They only show output, so i can't see the input and make those cases pass.