  • Custom User Avatar

    I hope you're joking...

  • Custom User Avatar

    This thought and a tiny code change did indeed make my solution pass the tests. I sadly fail to see the reason :(.

    Thanks for your input though. Oh and great kata btw :)

  • Custom User Avatar

    I get this in python too:

    Testing for [[{'d': 8}, 1, 1, {'d': 8}, {'w': 4}, 4, 'r', {'s': 3}], ['s', 1, 1], ['a', 'a', 1], [{'o': 1}, 1, 'r', 1, 's']]

    It should work for random inputs too: [{'d': 8}, 's', 'a', {'o': 1}, 1, 1, 'a', 1, 1, 1, 1, 'r', {'d': 8}, 1, {'w': 4}, 's', 4, 'r', {'s': 3}] should equal []

    Edit: removed redundant list