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    This is pretty interesting comment as I've written a fair bit of code, in Ruby, in the last month, using regexes, to prevent sql injection.

    But at 8 kyu, I am unable to understand what is required to pass the specs, and cannot justify any further time to figure it out. There are much more interesting problems which are much better worded.

    Perhaps this problem just doesn't work as described in Ruby? Could it be removed? Deprecated?

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    The idea was to mimic sql injection when passing through to the validator class so you would have to create a function to catch passwords that contained any, unfortunatly it wasn't translated into the other versions.

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    Yeah tis the ruby one.

    Once you read the discussion re the Ruby and realise what actually passes the test for it it becomes a fairly simple solution. But from reading the question (at least for ruby) you're left with a lot of confusion. Shame it's not possible to make any further edits now.

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    I guess this applys only to the Ruby version? Because surely if you tried to do that in the javascript version which I wrote that would fail all tests. unfortunatly I cannot change any Code because there have been 500+ successful solutions. I apologise.

    On another note, I believe my original idea for this kata was lost in translation so to speak which is why the different code versions aren't the same. Sorry but I cannot change anything now.

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    This doesn't really have much to do with the question. Considering the end solution surely most of the question is just uncessary (and highly confusing) fluff which is unrelated to actually solving the Kata.

    Infact if you follow the question it seems to imply you should be writing comparisons to find any "||" or "//" in the inputs which isn't the case whatsoever, you're just meant to be passing the inputs to a different method.

    The whole thing needs rewording pretty badly.