The test suites in all the translations (except R) are crap. The randomizations are overly simplistic, and some versions aren't even randomized. They need to be rewritten. I plan on reworking the Java & JS versions over the next couple days. Other folks will have to tackle the remaining languages.
When you call the callme() function, that throw an exception, you need to place it into a try block to solve the kata. But you cannot write letter "r" in the source code and the "try" word contains a letter "r", so think how to generate a try block on another way.
When two numbers have the same "weight", let us class them as if they were strings and not numbers: 100 is before 180 because its "weight" (1) is less than the one of 180 (9) and 180 is before 90 since, having the same "weight" (9) it comes before as a string.
The key there is sort them as strings (only when they have the same weight ofc)
Remember to state the language you're talking about when there are multiple languages available. In your case it's Python and yes, the tests should be corrected.
digit mapping
did you try hovering your mouse over the hint?
The test suites in all the translations (except R) are crap. The randomizations are overly simplistic, and some versions aren't even randomized. They need to be rewritten. I plan on reworking the Java & JS versions over the next couple days. Other folks will have to tackle the remaining languages.
Just think how to write a letter 'r' on a different way, without typing 'r'. :)
one-liner try :)
issue already opened below. No need to open it again.
No, that is not cheating
When you call the callme() function, that throw an exception, you need to place it into a try block to solve the kata. But you cannot write letter "r" in the source code and the "try" word contains a letter "r", so think how to generate a try block on another way.
Read this part again:
The key there is sort them as strings (only when they have the same weight ofc)
Remember to state the language you're talking about when there are multiple languages available. In your case it's Python and yes, the tests should be corrected.