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192487711 is perfect square , but squre root of this number is like: 13873.9940536, how it passed?
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best solution !
great solution my friend
No check for -ve?
okay i get it now. You used the isSquared() method which checks if a number is positiv or negativ
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Niceeeee !
Nice one!
The modulo operator (%) returns the remainder after dividing two numbers. If a number is divisible by another, the remainder will be 0, ergo the modulo operation will return 0. In this case, we are checking if a number is an integer. Math.sqrt(n) % 1 will only return a value other than 0 if the return value of Math.sqrt(n) is a decimal, since every integer is divisible by 1. Hope that helps. :)
One line solution, nice!
This really helped me simplify my code. Definitely did not think about it like this!
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