I agree that the current description isn't great, but this is even more confusing (for me, at least). To be honest, I have no idea how to improve the description, just focus on the examples at this point.
The error message is bad and needs to be fixed, but it means that your solution seems to return None, possibly implicitly by reaching end of the function without returning anything, in some circumstances.
duplicate issue
I agree. Some of the solutions look really scary but one can solve this in a much less fancy way.
Where's the question?
Ah yes, welcome to g964 katas. I'd be surprised if you weren't confused by such descriptions :P
Essentially, everything you need is shown on the 2nd line of description, or the formula on wiki. There's not much else that you need to know.
Is there anything in particular that you have a question for?
I agree that the current description isn't great, but this is even more confusing (for me, at least). To be honest, I have no idea how to improve the description, just focus on the examples at this point.
thanks buddy, saved my life
If the arrays were truly massive, sorting could risk timeout
Managed to get it done in 1 line of best janktice ;)
Seeing your post below it doesn't seem so. Not a kata issue.
Did your function return a number?
congrats on arriving at this juncture. happy coding
always use the spoiler flag when posting code (I just now added the flag to your comment) otherwise anyone can see your code.
Maybe this article will help in some way: https://docs.codewars.com/training/training-example#debugging-a-kata
The error message is bad and needs to be fixed, but it means that your solution seems to return
, possibly implicitly by reaching end of the function without returning anything, in some circumstances.