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    As tip for R. Try to use new.env(hash = TRUE)

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    Is variants like 1^2 -0^2 valid? For n=4 the count of the variants is equal to 3. It will be impossible without them

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    I cannot turn into a fraction 0.2896412. My prog gave x[1]: "1/4,1/26,1/848,1/2381184,1/21600000000000000" but test
    y[1]: "1/4,1/26,1/848,1/2381184"

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    It would be better if the argument for R passes as two numbers or a string. As argument passes to the function as float it should transfer to a fraction.
    For some floats it is not a problem. For example 0.75 = 75/100 = 3/4 But 22/23=0.9565217... is impossible to recover to a fraction by floating inferno. Using
    float in the formula leads to floating error

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    As the result does not obey any rounding rules, so I cannot code it. There are some rules: to nearest integer, to even. At last I can throw out extra digits.
    But no one works. Ok. it needed to substract the final balance from the start balance and divide on count of items

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    The version of R is very old here. In 4.0 rounding was corrected.

    There are other ways.

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    The version of R is very old here. In 4.0 rounding was corrected. I do not see how I can solve it. Rounding for .xx5 is not predictable. 26.575 rounds to 26.57 but 23.175 to 23.18. Mean gives the same result as the simple division sum on count of the elements.

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    Are you sure to correctly interpret the results of the tests?

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    Please when you post an issue give the test you think it is wrong (with the input, your output and the expected result) otherwise it is impossible to answer.

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    Please, check random tests for R. Some test are wrong. After five attempts I could submit my solving of this problem.
    I checked the top decision in RStudio. And for wrong test I got the value that was equal to the value from my script

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    I am sorry. Yes, it was R.
    For example. For "CB02546520010" I got a mistake

    Test Failed
    act not equal to n.
    1/1 mismatches
    [1] 6188056489 - 5190136489 == 997920000

    koeff Factorial mult=koeff*factorial
    0 0 1,00 0,00
    1 1 1,00 1,00
    2 0 2,00 0,00
    3 0 6,00 0,00
    4 2 24,00 48,00
    5 5 120,00 600,00
    6 6 720,00 4320,00
    7 4 5040,00 20160,00
    8 5 40320,00 201600,00
    9 2 362880,00 725760,00
    10 0 3628800,00 0,00
    11 11 39916800,00 439084800,00
    12 12 479001600,00 5748019200,00

    Sum of the last column is 6188056489
    I do not see any mistakes.
    Sorry. Table appears only during the edit

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    You should always mention the language you're working with (in this case it's R?). For the input you gave the expected result is 12265933929 indeed, so maybe you misinterpreted the logs somehow.

    The R translation seems to around for a while with a few solves, so someone would've noticed if it was wrong.

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    I'm sorry, but some tests do not pass by. I checked them in Excel and results were equals to mine. According to the internet references
    '1C731550201110' may be presented as 0x0! + 1x1!+ 1x2!+1x3!+0x4!+2x5!+0x6! +5x7!+5x8! + 1x9! + 3x10!+7x11!+12x12!+1x13!
    Sum of this equation is equal to 12265933929. But test gave me 11307930729. What's wrong?