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    if n = 0 or k > n or k <= 0 return ""

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    I struggled with the description as well you have to find the longest character string you can make with k words but the words have to be already next to each other. So for

    print(longest_consec(["zone", "abigail", "theta", "form", "libe", "zas", "theta", "abigail"], 2))

    abigailtheta is the longest character word made of two consecutive words in the list. thetaabigail is the same length but abigailtheta comes first so thats the correct answer

    Hope this helps :)

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    Never mind I had a print statement i used for debugging in my code which was printing out all the random test strings :)

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    My code works however i got a buffer error i assume because my code must be too ineffecient

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