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    Passed the kata in Go but I didn't implement any ordering, only counting. The tests can't be very thorough.

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    Same test case in Go.

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    How the hell does this get all the "Best Practices" votes?

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    I passed all the sample tests in 500ms. But timed out every time on the real attempt. Is this an optimisation/performance kata? It could be tagged "performance" if this is the case...

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    Ok, I agree that there are a few methods that will work, e.g. using plain numbers or hashes. I think building up big 2D arrays and looping them every turn causes performance woes unless optimised, and I expect plenty of people to use that method.

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    For now I suggest going to your profile page, clicking the solutions tab, scrolling down until a good amount are loaded, then manually copying the solutions you like into your own text files (or file). Personally I save the good ones in a git repo.

    It would be a nice feature if we could filter by language on that page.

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    Eventually passed by creating new empty rows as needed, not at the start. Fair enough.

    It ought to say somewhere that performance is required though.

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    I was not expecting to have to write a "performance" solution to Space Invaders. I just wrote it the obvious way using arrays. I can pass the example tests in 150ms but the actual tests take over 12000ms. What kind of crazy numbers of aliens are we battling here? Might be good to put a note in the description if the tests are that big.

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    Your ship's (x,y) coordinates seem flipped from what I would expect (comparing to similar katas I've done). I.e. you've placed him at aliens[x][y] instead of aliens[y][x]. I don't think it's a convention you've broken or anything, just giving a heads-up in case any other players trip up on this.

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    I divided [0, 765] by 76.6 to map the values linearly onto [0, 9.99], which seems like a fairly accurate way of getting 10 equal bands of grey out of the full input domain (well 99.9% of it) and also means you can floor those bands onto [0,9] for your 10 array indices. There may be another way of writing it mathematically, but sticking in a value like 80 just means you are mapping the domain unevenly onto the intensities array.

    I can't figure out how the kata expects it to be mapped though.

    Perhaps a "fuzzier" way of testing would be to sample 100 random pixels and require an 80% match rate?

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    I'm outputting decent faces, but can't pass the tests. Here's one example (Left: expected; Right: got):

    Now, obviously there are a fair few different characters, but surely it comes down to the intricacies of how you convert from 765-0 to indices 0-9. Is it completely linear?

    I think for that one I used Math.floor((765 - rgbsum) / 76.6) to make the index. I had other math variants but none of them passed.

    Also, is ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled supposed to be off or on?

    What else could make the difference between mine and yours?

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    Can happen if you were handling length 2/3 and after ASCII-conversion it only had length 1.

    Check at what point you test the length, to avoid accessing a non-existent position.

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    Zero is included in the continuous range -3 to +1 (expressed in the output string as "-3-1", where the first dash means "negative" and the second dash means "to"). No need to treat zero differently from the other numbers.

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