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    description only talks about one value (field) even though there is actually two (cr, the starting position of the rabbit)

    also, python's test suite seems to still use camelCase, but the full suite uses snake_case correctly

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    In case of timing parity, return the values according to the order in the queue.

    Needs clarification: order in the queue is not defined.

    I really can't make sense of how to resolve timing ties.

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    Hi, you have changed function name without"backward compatibility" which means all previous solutions will be invalidated. Please approve this fork with backward compatibility and improved testframework.

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    How does the jump work if the jumppower is an odd number? does it go up by (n/2)+1 and go down by (n/2) or vice versa?

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    The structure (5 fixed tests and 22 random tests) and the size of the field (10 <= n, m <= 110) in the final tests could be specified.

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    could use tag: algorithms